.:: butterfly ::.

Name: Elaine Chong
Age: 22
Birthday: 15 July 1985
Horoscope: Cancer
Zodiac: Cow
School: NUS FASS

.:: flutters ::.

sleeping, watching tv
eating, shopping
singing, reading magazines
and getting As for exams

.:: moth ::.

waking up early
exam stress
falling ill
being broke
and getting fat

Monday, November 20, 2006

I get uncomfortable when i stop studying.. even if its just a couple of hours..
Its not that i dun have enough time to study finish... its not that its one day before my exam and im left withso much to study.. its not as if my results are darn lousy and need to buck up.. its not that im desparate to pull up my CAP from one class to another... In fact i absolutely dun.
So why am i such a mugger?
No idea man....

Im really bored now..
Let me talk about something that has been on my mind for awhile, but haven had the chance to blog about it..

My MRT vs. Bus theory

Among my friends, there are those who prefer to take MRT, while some others prefer to take bus.... while im a hard-core bus lover... Somehow i just dislike the MRT.. its one of those things which i just dun like no matter how hard i try... another example would be laksa.
Anyways... here is my analysis of why the bus is better than the MRT.

1. Bus is less crowded than MRT - Taking bus, i almost always get a seat, and many times even a double seat such that i can sit comfortably... as for MRT, there is almost no time of the day that it has empty seats, unless you take the train from the terminating station.

2. Bus is less noisy than MRT - Due to the fact that MRT contains more people, and more space for people to stand around in a group, you get groups of people talking and laughing at the top of their voices, its irritating when you want to sleep.

3. Bus is cheaper than MRT - In addition to the fact that MRT trips are on the whole more expensive, especially NEL, MRT passes are not as efficient as bus passes, thats because i have to change bus to go to school, that incurs extra costs, while taking bus all the way will mean the bus pass is fully ultilized.

4. Bus is more comfortable than MRT -
Firstly, if the train is crowded, i'll be packed like sardines.. not that buses dun get crowded.. but at least when the bus it totally full, the bus driver will not open the door at all.. not like MRT, the door will open at every station, and some crazy people will force their way in even though it looks impossible to do so.
Second, even if i do get a seat.. the seat is damn hard la.. the seats on the buses are cushioned and much more comforatable... And what are the odds of getting a window seat on a bus so that you can sleep with your head against the side? On the bus the odds is much higher than on the MRT. (in MRT, the so called window seats are those at the end of each row of seats with a glass panel for you to lie your head on)

5. Buses have TV mobile - The shows are good ok.. it repeats the drama serial i missed on the previous night from 10 to 11am... and anytime i cant hear it properly i can just tune in to radio to enjoy my show properly.. On the other hand, MRTs mostly dun have TV mobile, and for the few that has it, it only shows commercials, no shows.. and worse still the very few commercials repeat over and over again.. its irritating.

6. Bus gives better view - What i mean is, on the bus you get to look out of the window, see all the passing scenery.. Whereas on the MRT, you are often forced to look at the people opposite you, unless you keep looking down or sleep.. it gets very uncomfortable at times.. cos i might be just looking out of the glass to see the scenery but yet i keep catching the attention of the people opposite me.

7. Bus gives more privacy - Sitting on the MRT really makes you more exposed, everyone can see what you are doing, what you are wearing, and your facial expression... I have to constantly ensure im sitting properly in a decent way.. and worse still, when if you wanna sleep , you are more conscious of people seeing how you sleep.. cos if you open your mouth very big or wad.. there is bound to be more people seeing you than if you were on a bus.

8. MRT have those irritating announcements - Its not a problem f you hear it once or twice, but if you keep hearing it repeatedly throughout a trip, dun you find it irritating? "Do not leave your belongings unattended", "Report any suspicious items to the police" etc... I doubt anyone really bothers to listen rite... so why announce it so many times?!

9. Bus brings you to your destination - Other than those places very walkable from MRT stations, a lot of places in Singapore are not accessable by MRT.. you will just end up changing to bus anyway.. cos buses bring you finally to where you want to go...As for me, this is absolutely true.. there are buses from my house that goes to everywhere in Singapore (which i usually go).

Right.. for now this is all... will add to it when i think of other things.
Back to studying.

___* flyy aaaaaawayz *___ 12:15 AM

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Friday 17 Nov

Its the last day of The Deck aka the Arts Canteen... its the last time i'll see The Deck in this form.. for the new one coming up next August will not never be the same again..
I dunno why i got so sentimental about this... the moment i stepped into the canteen today i felt really sad.. the feeling that im gonna lose something forever and i cant do anything about it... and yet i know that losing it is inevitatable.. and thats the only way for the new to come... All these feelings.. gosh.. for a canteen... I took out my camera phone and started snapping away at almost every part of the canteen i occupied before in the past 2.5 years... Im glad i wasnt the only one, for i saw a few others holding cameras and some even video cams... My particular favourite place is the "sea-view" seats at the end, where its usually cooler and get a good view of the harbour... I looked at the tables.. i could remember those i sat before.. the times i had.. who i sat with.. what happened.. Im an ultimate nostalgic person.. particularly towards architecture... they trigger memories much better than the most well-written notes and summmaries (or else i would have become the top student)... Memories are etched in the physical architecture.. with the building gone, the memories are gone too? Oh so i hope.. or hope not? Im not sure...

Memories... the good and the bad.. the sweet and the bitter... and also the bittersweet... I define bittersweet memories as essentially pleasant events that are remembered, but yet from the point of time that they are being recalled, it becomes a bitter experience, due to one reason or another... In my opinion such memories are of the worst kind... Can you imagine how dreadful it is when you feel sad recalling happy events from the past? Its ironically depressing... Such memories are the hardest to forget.. cause they are remembered both as happy and sad events.. the more you remember how happy it was, the more sad you feel, then the sadness brings on to the next time you recall the same event, and the more sad you become, the higher the tendency you will recall the memories again.. and so on.. its a perpetual cycle... you cant get out of it... and these memories eventually flood your whole mind until a particular table, for example, which can bring about other memories, end up just triggering the same old memories which you try the hardest to forget, yet cant.... I call this the MSM effect - Memory Sadness Multiplier effect.

If im a psychology major.. i would write a thesis on memories... I myself would be the best research subject.

___* flyy aaaaaawayz *___ 12:29 AM

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Finally.. all my deadlines are over... for once this semester I felt so relieved and I must say, happy as well... Went out with Sheya and Xuan darlings to celebrate the end of all my project submissions.. I was so damn high the whole night... kept eating and drinking, and laughing and talking... I was happy.. cos I made the effort to be happy.. I believe that happiness does not come naturally.. To feel happy you must think in a certain way, do something, make the effort, before you feel happy... Throughout this whole semester, I was so tied down by work and stress that I had no energy to make myself happy... the fatigue let me sink into long-lasting depression... Its so much more easy to feel sad than happy.. To feel happy, I must go and find things to do, do things I like, see things I like, talk to people I like.. ...

At the beginning of the sem, I thought I will not last.. I thought I will collapse.. I had all the worse scenarios in my mind - like dropping out of school, or let my CAP drop to a ridiculous number.. Depression sank during the first week of school.. from the point I walk to the bustop, take bus 30, the journey of bus 30, the places it passes by, to alighting at school, going to LTs, going to canteen, going to library, sitting at the tables and chairs, sitting at the benches, and walking through the corridors, to even passing by the water coolers and toilets... the Earth lab, the Coffee Club Express, the AS7 comp lab, the forum, the... Everything.. EVERYTHING I tried so hard to forget during the holidays came back.. There wasnt a place I walked in school that didnt contain memories.. I walked around school.. unable to prevent my eyes from looking at all these... unable to prevent myself from seeing everything reenacting in front of my very eyes.. i was hallucinating, it was all in my mind...but to me, it seemed so real, so clear, so close to me...I was devastated.. I was disappointed.. I didnt manage to forget anything... How I wish the school can be demolished.. taking with it all the memories..

I started the sem in a miserable state.. I was physically and psychologically drained.. For the past year I almost didnt see a doctor once... but just in this semester, I visited a clinic thrice, visited a hospital once, and visited a counseling centre twice... At first, incessant headache, chest pain and fever brought me to see the doctor at YIH clinic.. it didn’t get better.. then a heart attack brought me to the hospital.. The doctor told me I will not get better unless I kept my spirits up... and that brought me to the school counselor.. Of cos it didnt help again.. I stopped going back when I saw even worse cases at the counseling centre.. I knew nobody can help me.. I knew only I can help myself.. easier said than done.. How do i help myself when im forced to go to school everyday.. facing all the things that triggers my pain.. How do I help myself when I dun have people around me who understands me and whom I can talk to.. How do I help myself when I have no energy and will at all.. Who will give me the strength? Who can give me the strength...

Thank goodness... I was blessed with good project mates and module mates this sem.. Although they may not understand me.. they were good distraction... Had a nice time doing Eco System projects with Kelly and Filzah.. Thanks gals for the wonderful times we had doing fieldwork.. and the nice discussions cum dinners we had... Biophysical projects were great too... though tiring I had a fun time doing fieldwork with Szwha and Emelyne.. the sweat and the laughter.. Thanks gals for bringing smiles to my face.. Though Cities and Regions was my most hated module.. and the project was done under a lot of stress.. I was glad I had supporting group members.. Thanks Hongyi and Afidah for being such good project mates.. and thanks for the wonderful chats we had (when we were supposed to discuss work)... Other module mates like Crystal, Weiyi, Clement.. Thanks for your company throughout super boring lectures... Best friends cum shopping khakis Sheya, Iuanxuan, Zanxuan, Esther and Jolin.. although you all cant be there for me in school.. I thoroughly enjoyed all the times we had together.. be it shopping or just plain chatting.. And last but not least, thank you so much Weiliat.. for the undying support you gave me and still giving me...

Like I said before.. I never liked to talk about sad things in my blog... So if you ask me, why haven you been blogging? I will say, are there happy things to write about? I dun like to write about sad things.. cos im not asking for sympathy or pity... Im asking for empathy.. looking for people who understands my pain and to share my pain.. Many times i wonder... Happiness... How is it defined? Does it mean.. Smiling? Laughing? .. feeling High? feeling Relaxed? Relieved? .. Does it mean it is Real? .. Can happiness be Fake? Temporary? .. is that still Happiness then? .. I dunno... Have I forgotten what happiness is? .. No I haven... I remember what true happiness was.. that was one year ago.. when I had everything that I wanted.. everything that made me happy.. results, friends, a boyfriend, a brother.. I remember what true depression was.. that was half a year ago.. when I lost everything that I wanted.. everything that made me happy.. What about now? What do I have now? What is left of me after all this ordeal? ...I am nothing but a person without a soul.. without hope... without joy... without self.

Now exams are near.. at least im glad that im in a better state to study for exams compared to last sem..
Jiayou everyone.. I will jiayou too..
May we all get the results we want...

___* flyy aaaaaawayz *___ 2:26 PM

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

回忆当初 多少柔情深深种
观山阻隔 且把歌声遥遥送
多少往事 点点滴滴尽成空
千丝万缕 化作心头无穷痛

自君别后 鸳鸯冷亡霜叠重
漫漫长夜 寂静冬寒谁与共
当初叮咛 天上人间会相逢
一别茫茫 身影为何不入梦

情深似海 良辰美景何时在
梦里梦外 笑语温柔依依在
似曾相见 恍恍惚惚梦不醒
想儿念儿 来来往往应无碍

旧日游踪 花儿依在树依在
山盟犹在 只剩孤影独徘徊
三生有约 等待等待又等待
几番呼唤 归来归来盼归来

___* flyy aaaaaawayz *___ 1:29 AM

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.:: butterflies ::.
Zan Xuan
Iuan Xuan
Ling Ling

.:: talk to me ::.
.:: fly back ::.